Sunday, November 13, 2011


Ok so remember how I said I was going to put up some sweet pictures of what I've been up to this last last week? Well, the internet was sucky when I tried doing it and all my photos got deleted. twice. So needless to say I got a little upset and didn't do anything with it for a few days... And then I went to Italy. So lets just skip to that! Plus this way you may still have a reason to talk to me when I get home-so you can see the last few pictures of things I haven't put up on the blog world!

So here goes:  I went to Venice!! Can you freaking believe that?! I can't. I seriously cannot believe that I had one of my life dreams fulfilled. Amazing!  All I can say is that I had the two best days in Venice I could have imagined.  and I have imagined it! For the last like five years! And I can now say that it lived up to my every expectation. Every nook, every cranny, had another breathtaking view.  Each bridge just might have been the most beautiful in all of venice, so naturally I had to take pictures at them all! haha really though, I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

Starting the Journey!

Vienna to Venezia!

 The grand canal

Getting ready at Mcdonald's

 St. Marks Square was a little flooded. It was fun to get to see Venice this way too, with all the little boardwalks up.
 St. Marks Basilica
 Love this one, and no the sky is not edited at all!

 Bell tower I went up
 Doges Palace

 View of Venice from tower

 It was so windy and cold up top!
 Our hostel for the night

 Yummy pizza for lunch
 Gotta Love Italian Gellato!
 I went on a Gondola ride!!

 Church we walked to at night
 Waiting saturday morning for the waterbus. The floating dock was so crowded!

 This is a church at the cemetary- a whole island just for the cemetary. Look at the church though, it is like sinking down in!
This is the Island of Murano, famous for blown glass. I just loved being out on the open water. It was so refreshing after being in a big city for so long.

 The glass was so pretty.
 I watched a guy blow a flower vase and then make a horse. He was so fast at it! it was amazing skill!

 Some lovely cheap fanta from the grocery store to go with our yummy lunch
 We stopped at that cemetery Island on the way back. It was very pretty and a lot more green than anywhere else. So many trees!
 Crowded once again!
This is a picture of the Island Burano, a few in the group went here, but I headed back to the main Island to see more of Venice.  It is gorgeous so I guess I'll have to go back and see it myself!

 Classic doorway with tons of doorbells
 These are some of the cameo jewelry that I feaking love!
 mmm ice cream :) love how colorful it is

 These are the little signs that we followed to find everything! So fun go around through all the little alleyways, over the water and bridges.
 Rialto Bridge
 This is the group of young Italian kids we met and talked to until our train came. They were so sweet! and they were really so excited to talk to us. they went and go their teacher at the beginning so we could communicate.  Then they warmed up to us and we talked for like half and hour.  Funny that all the one guys wanted to talk about was Justin Bieber!
 why do I have to leave this amazing city?
My dream of seeing this city was finally fulfilled and I am so utterly satisfied with its beauty. I am so lucky to be experiencing all these wonderful places!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That did look awesome. Seriously, every picture looked like a perfect postcard picture--props to the photographer Linds!

    I feel like I didn't reply to an efy email a while back....maybe we should skype again soon??
