Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another full week of fun!

I just can't believe all the things there are to do in Vienna! I enjoy every day here and am so sad that my time here is fast coming to an end. Only a month and 4 days left!

So first up, I went to the Imperial Crypt. This is where all the famous Habsburgs and other rulers are buried.
Here is Maria Theresea's sarcophagi (a word which makes my laugh everytime my professor trys to say it!)
This is Maximillian of Mexico! Remember me telling you about him?!
This is Sisi. We decided we don't really like her.
Yummy dinner my house frau left us.
I went to lunch at Vapianos, this amazing Italian restaurant. You walk in and they give you a "credit card," you find your own seat and then choose what to order. When you know what you want you walk up to the counter and order and the chef makes it right in front of you! I had a pasta dish that had alfredo sauce with pesto and the most delicious tomatoes I have ever eaten and chocolate! It was really interesting. Ah so good I'm gonna go back!
Thats the counter you order at
SOCCER GAME!!!!!!! Ah it was so much fun!! I was in heaven the whole time! There was a huge group of us, 14, and we just had a blast. the people may or may not have been making fun of us when some of the girls kept yelling "neunzehn! neunzehn!" Nineteen! haha it was funny

Rapid is the green team
Here we all are in our jerseys!

The team was sitting right there!
:) Soccer players are good looking, especially europeans
Look real fans wearing our same jerseys!

Score board 1-2. Rapid ended up losing in double overtime and it was a super intense game! There were yellow cards all over the place and by the end Rapid was playing two men down because of red cards! Epic game!
These are the die hard fans. They were standing up and cheering, like this, the whole game. It was so legit!!
One night we went to dinner at a local college place. I a goose soup. It was good! tastes like.... ham!
I went back to the Kunst Historsiche Mueseum and saw the fruithead painting!! Isnt' it sweet?!
The Rathuas at night

I finally saw the Hundertwasser Haus when I was out second hand store shopping.  It was pretty neat, super colorful.

Sick rack of one piece ski suits at the second hand store!
Dusch gel! haha... it really means shower gel, but come on Dusch gel! haha
We carved pumpkins for the halloween party my host was hosting for us. Never knew I could use a huge kitchen knife and still carve a pumpkin so well!
Schonbrunn Place. Ah it is fall here in Vienna! and it is the most beautiful thing ever!

I went and watch a Apfelstrudel demonstration at schonbrunn as well. It was super interesting, and delicious.

Yes, yes. that is dough. It looks like a ghost! I have no idea how he got it like that!
It is so thin, you can read a newspaper through it! This is the only step I think would be a problem at home... but I still want to try and make it!
After schonbrunn a few of us went out into the Vienna Woods. It was the most perfect way to spend a saturday. We went of in the hills on some trails and just enjoyed hiking in Vienna.  The leaves were absolutely gorgeous.
We stopped by this vineyard
Ate a few grapes...
We found a swing set!!
And we stopped to play in the leaves for a bit. well, a long bit :)

Halloween. My roommate, Kiersten, loves halloween. So naturally, she made me walk through the ubahn with her-When she was dressed like a grandma. And she held my arm the whole time! Ah it was so funny, yet embarrassing!

These two girls in our group walked up behind us while we were still in the ubahn busting up at us. But look at their costumes! haha
We had a Halloween Party at our house on Monday night and it was a blast! We listened to music, had pizza and played games.

The boys were so funny
Taylor, Professor minert's nephew who was visiting, did a little break dancing for us

Playing "in the manner of the adverb." Don't think I've ever laughed so hard!

Tuesday was a catholic holiday, so we didn't have school, so naturally we decided to spend the day in Slovakia!

 Amazing fall leaves once again!
 Neat bridge
 Castle we climbed to

 sweet door
 Check out that window! why it is like that I have no idea!
 Yay for play grounds and just having a way chill day
 me, over it all!

 LOOK! pumpkins! they celebrate halloween too!
 This is a Postcard picture. Literally. I walked out of a shop having just looked at a postcard and walked around the corner and BAM! I was seeing the exact image that was just on the postcard. So I took a picture and saved .50. Love living postcard moments in real life!
 We aren't so far away after all!
 So in the city there are 4 different statues. We had fun finding them all.
 Went and saw a famous ish composers house. He studied with Mozart

 Look at that word. Z M R Z L I N A. 5 consonants in a row! Get yourselves a vowel my slovakian friends!
 Then we headed up to another Old castle. The mountain was like made into a castle. It was pretty neat.

 I had to touch the water, and skip a few stones
 And of course play in the leaves again!
 We booked it back to the train station but missed the earlier train... that was fine though then I got to go see this hotel. Its called the Spirit Hotel and kind of looks like the Hundertwasser.

 Today we went out to the huge city cemetary.
 We saw lots of famous musicians! This is a memorial to Mozart, because he was buried in a mass grave that they are not sure where so they have 4 of these statue, monuments, to make sure they cover all possibilities.

Here is a little tribute to Brahms:

This was the most adorable grave ever.
 It says Not Nothing Without You, But Not The Same
 It hurts so bad because with you it was so beautiful. Aww!

 I know this is kinda creepy, but I really think statues like this are so interesting.  How they carve it to look like a person, but then for it to also look so beautiful and covered in a light cloth is amazing.

Well that was alot of random days, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have!

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