Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good News!

Over the last two weeks lots has happened! So last week I had an interview with Brother Minert, the director of the Vienna Study abroad. He asked me a bunch of questions, like what would I do in this kind of situation ect. At the end he said "me and Jeanne (his wife) really like you, so I'll change your status to accepted." SWEET! So I am official accepted, but the program is still not official, not until there are enough girls signed up. But the Minert's had a little meeting at their house on thursday that the director and two girls from this last semester abroad were at. It was really good to hear them talk about being there and ask them a few questions. Bro Minert interviewed 3 more girls that night and thinks we will have enough! I am so excited to go and experience this place.

The other good news is that... I got a job! yay! finally! So it is with BYU classroom support, I'm not sure what the actual name is, but its were Karl works. My interview went really well, they called and said I got it, and I go in tomorrow to get officially hired. I will be working 20 hours a week which is kind of more than I was hoping, but I am just grateful that I have a job. I'll let you know how it goes!

So last friday my roommates had a pizza and movie night. Stefany actually went on a date so we traded her for Spencer, one of our FHE brothers. It was really fun!

Then on Saturday, the boys were nice enough to come get me :) I decided to treat them to the creamery, as a thanks. Then I spent monday shopping with mom, Paula, Erik, Doug and Echo. It was fun and I got screaming deal on some shirts. Thanks mom!

at our ward talent show
So now on to another week. Luckily I don't have any tests this week, but they are coming. Here is a little German for the week:
Ich trage ein braunes Hemd. Ich bin gross und schlank. Ich habe langes blondes Haar und blaues Augen. Ich bin glucklich und verruckt!

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