#1 The Journey and Foreigner Concert
It was so fun to get out with the family and go to a concert! This was only my second concert (sadly I have to admit that good old David Archuleta was my first) and i loved it! Previous to going to the concert I had thought that I knew tons of Journey songs and not so many of Foreigners. NOT SO!! I knew every single one of Foreigners songs, except for one... but it was the not so bueno one anyways. Journey had a few good songs, but I definitely discovered that I love all of Foreigners music!
me and bry just rockin out
#2 Where I am living in Vienna!!
So about last week I found out where and who I will be living with in Vienna! and can I just say that I am even more excited now!! My address while living in Vienna for the next 3 months will be: Hauptstraße 134 1140 Wien. sick!! Actually seeing where I will be living makes everything that much more real! I googled my hosest's name Esther Steirer, and it looks like she owns some sort of Exercise and wellness business. So maybe I will stay in shape while i'm over there! haha I also learned that my roommate will be Kiersten Merril. I'm so excited!
so this is where I'll be living.. I know not too exciting on this map, but on google maps you can see everything!
Kiersten! this smile is so classic!
#3 Paula and the girls are home!
My sister and her two adorable girls decided to come home from Oklahoma early. Yay! I have very much loved having them (Jan and Emily) around to play with, and Paula to chat with. I'm glad they came home soon, cause now I am able to spend more time with them before I leave!
and a #4... Well here is a negative: got my wisdom teeth out. But it hasn't been as bad as last time, so I'm grateful for that! Positive: I will get to see my sister Kerri in just two short weeks! I can't wait to have the whole family together again!
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