Saturday, July 30, 2011

1, 2, 3 things i love

#1 The Journey and Foreigner Concert

It was so fun to get out with the family and go to a concert! This was only my second concert (sadly I have to admit that good old David Archuleta was my first) and i loved it! Previous to going to the concert I had thought that I knew tons of Journey songs and not so many of Foreigners. NOT SO!! I knew every single one of Foreigners songs, except for one... but it was the not so bueno one anyways. Journey had a few good songs, but I definitely discovered that I love all of Foreigners music!

me and bry just rockin out

My little brother Brandon got to sing back up to one of Foreigners songs! Hes on the right with the 2010 shirt.

#2 Where I am living in Vienna!!

So about last week I found out where and who I will be living with in Vienna! and can I just say that I am even more excited now!! My address while living in Vienna for the next 3 months will be: Hauptstraße 134 1140 Wien. sick!! Actually seeing where I will be living makes everything that much more real! I googled my hosest's name Esther Steirer, and it looks like she owns some sort of Exercise and wellness business. So maybe I will stay in shape while i'm over there! haha I also learned that my roommate will be Kiersten Merril. I'm so excited!

so this is where I'll be living.. I know not too exciting on this map, but on google maps you can see everything!

Kiersten! this smile is so classic!

#3 Paula and the girls are home!

My sister and her two adorable girls decided to come home from Oklahoma early. Yay! I have very much loved having them (Jan and Emily) around to play with, and Paula to chat with. I'm glad they came home soon, cause now I am able to spend more time with them before I leave!

and a #4... Well here is a negative: got my wisdom teeth out. But it hasn't been as bad as last time, so I'm grateful for that! Positive: I will get to see my sister Kerri in just two short weeks! I can't wait to have the whole family together again!

24th of july parade

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