Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why's that so Vienna?

Why are these pictures so vienna you might ask?
Well lets see....

Getting lost.. still happening...

Dirndl and lederhosen are traditional vienna clothing

Seeing plaques of old famous people all over random  streets, nbd

me just loving mcdonalds

There are random street performers everywhere, but these guys were actually good!

Seeing random protests. everywhere.

People have CRAZY baby carriages and trolly things

random deustch products that just make me laugh

Grafitti is all over vienna, it being legal in some places, but the thing is it is usually written in English
And it makes NO SENSE!! haha but i love it!

Standing by Beethovens grave. nbd

delicious foods!


Crazy cool cars everywhere

uh... yes I play with the childrens toys at the museums...

beautiful english

Opera staircase was changed into a PIANO!! it was so sick!

All the garbage cans say weird things, like FEED ME!

in the childrens area again.... :) our hands are black cause we just stuck them
on a freezing cold ice block.

This is a real key, to a real library, that is really still used!

This one is actually in Venice, but once again the english is just terrible ha

Christmas Markets!

Sweet open elevators that I just had to play on

Cigarette dispensers. they are everywhere and everyone smokes.
So nasty.
I hate it.
I am so excited to not have this smell around me all the time!

This is the super classic dinner. schnitzel, cold potatoe salad which  I actually love, and  desert

Horse drawn carriages going down cobblestone streets nbd.

More great grafitti :)
Opera men. they try and sell us tickets EVERY DAY. No i do not
want a ticket to the opera!!

Workers actually wear clothes like this!! I'm not kidding. Nothing says I have a bad job
like Bright orange clothing!

Gotta love Mercedes buses

The Opera House! See it everyday!

European Man. Period. Scarf, hat, jacket, tighter ish pants, cool shoes, man bag. check


weird pictures on the ubahn

Adorable matching children! And they are everywhere too!

This guy is my favorite!!! He has been here for the last 3 months and I still laugh every time I
see him! He dances in the middle of the busiest shopping street in Vienna- to popular american music. It is hilarious! Oh and in the summer he has no shirt- and he has a six pack! bahahha


Oh vienna how I love you and your oddities! 

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